Summer of Play!

Playday is an annual UK celebration of children’s right to play, that always falls on the first Wednesday in August. Each year there is a theme that highlights a particular issue or aspect of children’s play.

In Sandwell we see Playday as an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of children’s play and the need for quality play provision every day of the year. On previous Playdays we have organised a large event at Lightwoods park, this year we are encouraging families to picnic and play together in their local communities and to share your experience with us on our Facebook page!

The theme for this year’s Playday is … Summer of Play.

The Playday 2021 theme recognises the challenges children and young people have faced over the past year and the need to enjoy time for play free of restrictions, with their friends, having fun.

Whilst Playday is the national day for play in the UK, this year we are encouraging families, carers, and communities to help children enjoy a Summer of Play

  • Playing is essential for children’s mental health and well-being. 
  • Playing helps children cope with stress and anxiety and fosters resilience, enabling children to better deal with challenges.
  • Playing gives children the opportunity to have fun, laugh, take time out, relax, and build friendships.
  • Playing outside allows children to appreciate nature, the environment, and feel part of their community.
  • Playing is fundamental to children’s happiness, and happy children lead to happier communities. 

Playday is the annual celebration of children’s right to play and is coordinated by Play England, Play Wales, Play Scotland and PlayBoard Northern Ireland.

For the latest updates on this year’s campaign follow Playday on Facebook and Twitter and share your plans with us using the hashtags #Playday2021 and #SummerOfPlay.

Written by

Tracey Jobber

Senior Play Development Officer - SMBC Go Play Sandwell

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